


During this season of celebration,

we at Santosha Yoga encourage you to

think of those less fortunate,

and maybe offer some of your time to ease their suffering.

On November 22nd yogis donated $50 to entirely to the Family Crisis Center

for their work in providing a safe place for

women in abusive situations at home.

We also assembled

fleece scarves and hats for the Lakota people

from an impoverished reservation in South Dakota who are already experiencing severe weather and have very few resources,

including limited fuel for heat!

We assembled almost 80 hooded scarves!

Thank you from the bottom of our Hearts!



Thank you dog lovers and Yogis~

We raised almost $400 for this event~ !

The Dog Days of Summer

Saturday, August 13th, 2011


Benefit for Ruff Love Animal Rescue

Donation $15 includes lunch

Yogis and Animal lovers have many things in common, one of which is their compassion for our animal friends, especially those in need. Santosha Yoga is holding a benefit to raise funds and awareness for this cause. Proceeds will go to local animal care group Ruff Love Animal Rescue whose mission is to ease the suffering of dogs and cats in our area, facilitate adoptions and to offer low cost spay and neutering. The studio will hold a gentle Yoga class based on the many poses named after animals, and it is appropriate for all ages of people who can easily get down on the floor and get back up again. Mats are available for your use. Wear comfortable clothing. There will be time for a light lunch and mingling afterwards as well as a chance to meet Sue Rogers, founder of Ruff Love.

Visit or for more information.

Save your space now by emailing jacquie at

Spring Extravaganza!

Spring Extravaganza

Ladies Night Out
Thursday, April 28th 6-9pm

$5 (includes a ticket for the raffle!)

All proceeds benefit the Randolph County Family Crisis Center.

Take a Mini-Yoga class

Or watch The Great Yoga Wall Inversion Demonstration

Refreshments and Beverages provided by Something Different

Join Beth Sartore, Fashion Writer for the News and Record in How to Accessorize Your Spring Wardrobe

Enter to win exciting raffle prizes!

Shop for Mom or Yourself~
The Red Door Boutique will have a

buy one get one free jewelry sale!

Charmed will offer

Pocketbooks and sterling silver.

Join in a Hoop Dance or Belly Dance with jacquie and Friends!

Art for the community

Art for the community

The Catalyst

There is a little patch of dirt next to the building where my yoga studio is. It currently serves only as a pathway from the Farmers Market parking area onto South Church Street and it has become a compressed and depressing corner of the lot. But it is soon to be transformed! I got the idea one day walking back from a downtown development committee meeting where we had discussed making downtown a “destination” worth visiting. Seeing this neglected area inspired me to step up and improve its state…I am always willing to do my part! But I knew I couldn’t do it alone. So I asked for help. I asked my yoga students, my Master Gardener friends and the right City officials for their blessing. Together, we are going to change this patch of dirt into a lovely little patch of garden heaven!

The face of our downtown is changing. I told the mayor once that it feels like we are on the crest of a wave, and anything is possible! (No one ever accused me of being pessimistic!) And I am honored and glad to assist in the Beautification of Asheboro.

One dynamic I love to see happen is people working together to create a positive change in the world around them. I’ve written about symbiotic relationships before: those where all participants are benefitting…and the more win/win/winning,the better! My latest project, the transformation of this barren patch of dirt into a garden requires many people coming together. The city agreed to help pour a sidewalk and acquire plants. The yogis offered to help till and then maintain the garden. The Master Gardeners are helping plan and plant.

This transformation would not be possible without so many hands coming together with a common goal.

YOU may even have had a role in this project! Along with changing the space at ground level, you will soon see a piece of art mounted upon the brick wall…high up above the street. It is a piece that has been several months in the making, and more hands than we could count! It is a circular design called The Santosha Mandala. It started in the studio where my yogis nailed caps and corks to a circular base. We started at the center and began working outward. (You may already know, perhaps from a previous article I wrote here) that a mandala is a radially symmetrical design that can be used as a tool to help you feel centered simply by gazing at it. So next we reached further out into our community during the annual Christmas on Sunset event, where anyone who wanted to, was allowed to hammer away. It really took off that night, and it was wonderful to see the design take form! What I enjoyed most was the many hands that enthusiastically created the design, parents and children, young and old alike gladly assisted in the creation of this community art project! My students and I recently finished it up and sealed it and are making arrangements to hang it up high, where it can be seen from the street by the entire community, thereby involving their participation as observers of the beauty we created, the circle of community, now complete.

In the end, each person contributing to the project makes a difference in our world. Each person who sees the Santosha Mandala Garden can enjoy its beauty. But it took someone to start the project, and to take responsibility. I used to say that I wanted to cause a Ripple Effect in my world, of good things happening. I am refining that thought….I now like to think I am a Catalyst in my Community. In chemistry, a catalyst modifies and increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process. I am learning to ask for help, so that I don’t become depleted and I am encouraged that it is so enthusiastically given. This is clearly another win/win/win/win situation…thanks for being a part of it!


Slow Down, You’re Here!

(September 19th Courier-Tribune Guest Column article)

I was going to be late for my hair appointment. But if I hurried I would be on time, or even a few minutes early. I came upon the stop sign and I did stop, but only barely. I was sure I could beat the slow-moving delivery van approaching from the left….and I did-with plenty of room to spare.

Pleased with myself, I knew I might even be a tad bit early for my appointment. But then my smile faded when I saw the well-placed police car poised on my right! In a breath I knew I was about to receive a ticket- and I also knew I deserved it!

When he pulled me over right into the parking lot of my hair salon, I didn’t say a word-I didn’t try to argue with him or explain my hurry. In those few 100 feet before the blue lights went on behind me I had almost willed him to stop me. Impatience has always been one of my demons and I recognized the lesson in what was about to happen. Maybe getting ticketed for hurrying through that intersection was just what I needed to remind me to practice slowing down and enjoying my life!

This summer I went to a festival in the mountains of Virginia. The number of vehicles at the event was tremendous, but there were no tussles or jams. There was a small hand-painted sign near the entrance that said, “Slow Down, You’re Here!”. When I saw it, I did indeed slow down, take a breath and begin to enjoy the experience of having arrived. I appreciated the reminder!

Too many times we move through our lives as if it were simply a “means to an end”. We want to get somewhere and often when we actually arrive, we immediately identify the next goal before savoring the last one met! This “waiting to start living syndrome” permeates much of our culture!

The modern teachers are all saying the same thing: to be present in the moment is to experience life to the fullest. No matter what situation we find ourselves in, if we wish we were elsewhere we will have lost those experiences forever. There is inherent value in every event, though it may not always be apparent at the time (like my traffic violation, for instance). These teachers tell us we should practice being mindful, being present, or in other words, we can Wake Up!

One teacher, Tolle, calls it Awakened Doing. He says there are three ways one can approach a situation.

First, even if it is an undesirable situation, if you must participate (like cleaning the house) you might as well accept it. Acceptance requires a bit of surrender on your part, and then you are able to make the decision to continue willingly. It just might make the situation more tolerable. And if you succeed in accepting the fact that you must participate, you just might reach the next level of Awakened Doing- and that is Enjoying what you are doing! Joy comes from within when we can perform an activity with presence of mind and close attention. It comes from being mindful about our sensations and can literally bring on delight! You could say that it is not what you are doing, but how you are doing it that makes all the difference! (And think about it, if you can’t enjoy an activity, or at least accept that it must be done, you probably should stop what you are doing!)

The third modality of Awakened Doing is infusing what you do with Enthusiasm! When you do this, it is as if you were riding the crest of a wave…the task becomes effortless, deeply enjoyable and usually meets with success!

Since that traffic citation, I now look at driving as an opportunity to live mindfully. (I figured I still need a lot of practice!) Obviously I have become a safer driver-but more importantly I use a daily activity to practice Acceptance, Enjoyment and Enthusiasm in my approach to living. I am recommitting to living a vibrant, successful life one breath at a time~ I don’t want to miss a moment!



Natural HealthQuest!

Saturday, May 11th 2013, 10AM-2PM

Asheboro Farmers Market on South Church Street

Sponsored by Santosha Yoga

and Asheboro Massage and Bodywork

This health Fair will highlight the increasing options available to the Asheboro community in alternative, Holistic and preventative practices which can support or supplement the health of our people, animals and environment.

These business will be presenting and sharing free information:

Santosha Yoga

Asheboro Massage and BodyWorks

S&L Natural Foods

Barger Chiropractor

The Healing Place

From the Inside Out

Living Well Community


Edge of the World Farm

Asheboro Parks and Cultural Recreation Department

Let's do it again! Contact me to get more information!

jacquie at 302-8494

or email her at

We love to serve!

We love to serve!

~~Open to the Public~~

The Fourth Santosha Yoga-Thon

Saturday, November 17th 2013 10AM-Noon

Join us for this

Gentle class

where we’ll nurture


in our community,

empower ourselves

and learn to expect

honor & respect in our

relationships with others!

Suggested Donation~$10 or more!*

No Yoga experience needed! The Thon is split into four ½ hr classes so you may join any or all of them.

All of proceeds go to the Come when you can! Feel free to Simply Observe!

* Earn a chance to win prizes for each $10 you bring or for each friend you host to join us!

There will also be some shopping opportunities:

Jewelry and Scarves, a % of sales goes to FCC!

130 S Church St Asheboro call jacquie at 336-302-8494 or visit for more details.

9/11 Peaceful Arts Celebration 2012

Santosha Yoga invited the public to a

Free Peaceful Arts Celebration on

September 11th

We sent Ripples of Peace out into the World!

jacquie Reininger, owner of Santosha Yoga and Steve Cain (local Tai Chi Teacher) believe that encouraging people to practice in the peaceful arts community will help not just the individual, but the world reach a higher level of tolerance and compassion on this 11th anniversary of a great global tragedy. That is why they invite you to participate in practical experience in three modalities of healing.

You will be guided in a short Tai Chi series of meditative movements standing, and then a seated Yoga sequence designed to encourage a sense of connection to others. Finally, you will relax reclining to listen to the resonating Singing Bowls whose sound vibrations will carry our peaceful intentions out into the community. Make a difference this September 11th, help heal the planet!

Free to all, ample seating will be provided if needed.

Wear comfortable clothing.

For more info call jacquie at 302-8494

The Ripple Effect

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi

At Santosha Yoga, we believe that each one of us has a responsibility to travel the right path. We must recognize that all that we do will have an effect on other beings and on the environment of this planet. Before taking action, think about what sort of waves will radiate from that action. Let your ripple effect be a positive one!

One of the ways I choose to make a positive Ripple Effect is to write a Guest Column for the Courier-Tribune. I chose to address environmental issues this year, and below is the first column published April 20th 2008, Earth Day! And below that is the last article I submitted called The Ripple Effect!

Summer 2008

We made Peace!

We made Peace!
This photo appeared in the Courier-Tribune on December 14th, 2008

We Choose Peace

We Choose Peace
December 4th, 2008
Click here to read about this community event with RCC Yoga students!

Welcome to the Club! Article

Welcome to the Club!

I humbly welcome you to the club of people on Earth who care about our home. You get no decal for your car, nor certificate of recognition and you won’t be inducted into this club, you were already born into it! We are all members!

From the moment you entered the atmosphere, everything you ate and everything you touched, has come from this place. And returns to it. We actually cycle the elements through our body. We are what we eat, breathe and drink, taking the elements from the world around us. (One of my friends said her body was made of rice…I think mine is lately made of chocolate.)

Now that I’ve brought this to your attention, you will probably begin to notice that many of the people you know have been aware of their membership for a while now. Do you know anyone who recycles her cans or newspapers? Have you seen the spiraling energy efficient light bulbs yet? You’d have to be pretty secluded not to have noticed people becoming concerned about gas mileage in their cars. Active membership in Club Earth begins when you make the connection between your behavior and its effects on the Earth’s resources.

As a member of this growing tribe, you will have many benefits.
Your air will be fresher, your water, cleaner.
Your diet will become healthier and so will your body.
Your grandchildren will thank you before you die for realizing in time that you have to leave something for them.

I am optimistic as I see the surge in active participation in this caring community.
Many people I know love to share with me the green efforts they practice in their own lives. There are books, articles and even TV commercials telling us what to do to “Save the Earth”. You can’t miss them. In case you have missed them, you could go to my friend’s site, and educate yourself.
Schools now incorporate programs that lead our children towards earth stewardship in their adulthood. The state’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources funds a program to certify educators in Environmental training. (go to to learn more)
And now, in our own backyard, Asheboro has begun to incorporate recycling!

Richard Stengel, reporter for the Times said that in 2007, “green became the new red, white and blue”. So now Earth-friendly behavior shows us to be caring (and politically correct) citizens of our national and hence our global community!

It really is not that hard. Sorting trash? That’s not so bad. Replacing light bulbs? Piece of cake. Purchasing a hybrid vehicle? Why not? The Honda Prius costs less than the average SUV! Choosing leaders who know they must support this club? Absolutely!

The point is we each (corporations included) must do something that will define our place and time on this planet as a caring citizen rather than as an “exploiter”. Let us not be remembered by our grandchildren as “the generation who treated the Earth like a paper plate”(just use it up and throw it out)! We do not have the freedom to be apathetic any longer. It has become urgent that every one of us realizes his participation in the club is not optional, and no one is exempt! And now, we will be held accountable for our behavior.

We can begin with baby steps. We have much support. Remember that we are all members of this club! Those of us who have been consciously participating in Club Earth for a while now can renew our commitment so that we can model for and encourage newcomers. Members new and old: step up with me and tell us about your journey towards earth-wide earth-awareness. How have you made a difference in your own local, national and global community? Send me an email with comments and questions. Or write a letter to the editor. Tell your friends what you are doing! Everyone knows the best clubs are the ones that encourage participation and communication among its members. (Maybe we do need a decal for our cars!)
I encourage you to participate. Your neighbors encourage you to participate. And especially your children encourage you to participate!

Native Greensboroan Thomas Berry says we must think of the earth inhabitants as a “community of subjects rather than as a collection of objects.”
The effects of our behaviors impact everything, human and non-human on the planet.
Becoming aware of this dynamic is the first step in bringing about the changes necessary to keep our home healthy.

Welcome to Club Earth, sincerely, I look forward to hearing from you!

Courier-Tribune Friday Dec 5th, 2008

The Ripple Effect

Drop a pebble into the surface of a still pond and watch the tiny waves ripple away from the center. Concentric circles moving out from the initial disturbance eventually make their way to the shore. In some way, that shoreline has been affected. In a similar way, the results of everything we do or say ultimately bump up against someone or something to elicit a change. What sort of ripples do you emit? I believe that each one of us has a responsibility to travel a “right” path. I have made a conscious decision: I am attempting to spread only positive ripples in my life, ones that promote Peace on Earth.

I still have a childlike notion that big changes can be made by simply shifting our intentions. I believe that we can find peace on earth, end world hunger and save the planet. I see an end to war, an end to abuse and an end to exploitation of the world’s resources. I am ready to see these wonderful events happen right now. This idea is not childlike, I think it is trust coming from an open heart. Call me naïve, but I am not the only one, for Mother Theresa said, “Peace begins with a smile.” And the simple words of Rodney King repeat it, as he appealed to the rioters of LA during his trial in 1992, “People, I just want to say,…can we all get along?”
It doesn’t have to be complicated when we bring Peace to our own local community. Simply make a promise to yourself, perhaps even look in a mirror to do it face-to-face, that “Just for Today, I choose Peace”. And then use your hands, feet and tongue, (in yoga we call these our main Organs of Action) to avoid conflict. Make it a point to act like that pebble and create waves of Ahimsa (“non-violence” in Sanskrit). They needn’t be large, even tiny ones will eventually make their way to shorelines throughout the universe.

Americans have been able to accomplish some huge tasks. In an article by John McConnell, (founder of Earth Day) at, he points out,
“The United States … spend(s) billions for bombs -- and pennies for peace. Were the money devoted to our vast military establishment given to global education that would foster peace, justice and a sustainable future, there would be no more wars and we could have a future of peaceful progress.” When I first read this, I thought, “Our government needs to mend its ways!” Perhaps this is why it is taking so long for Peace on Earth to happen, we tend to think it is someone else’s job to take action. But no matter what the institutions of power do, it is ultimately the individual who is responsible for bringing that change to life! The Dalai Lama said, “Although attempting to bring about world peace through the internal transformation of individuals is difficult, it is the only way.” Even Michael Jackson promotes this consciousness in his popular song: “I’m starting with the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways.”

I know a few people who recognize this dynamic I call The Ripple Effect.
My friend Holly, also a yoga teacher, says she likes to spread joy wherever she goes…she says it is like sprinkling fairy dust around!

My friend Dr. Todd is a glowing example of generosity and compassion. He gives in a variety of ways to end suffering in this community. Whether it is sharing his medical expertise, coaching soccer or supporting youth theater, I wouldn’t be surprised if you have been touched by his ripples too! He embodies Christ’s Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Mark lives here in Asheboro and is a teacher in Siler City. My husband and I had dinner with him and his wife the other night. Mark wanted to drive all the way back to the community where he had worked all week to support a local coffee shop. While we were there several students of his, past and present, flagged him down to chat. It was clear by his conversation that he took a sincere interest in every one of them! You can see his ripples like waves from a great distance as he mentors these teenagers.

C.L., my friend from up Liberty way, taught me about giving. He supports local farmers and artisans and provides a place on his family farm for young people to experiment with sustainable energy and gardening. He sees a need and provides for it in whatever way he can, generously and unconditionally. His ripples have touched me and in turn encouraged me to contribute to humanity in whatever positive ways I can.

I believe we have the capacity to transform our world. I believe we have the responsibility to do so. When we realize this task falls upon each and every one of us, it doesn’t appear to be so daunting. We need to step up, take action and encourage others to join the club! Let us all begin to build Peace on Earth by simply acting peaceful! The signature in all of my emails ends with a Mahatmas Gandhi quote, to remind us all of this challenge: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Not naïve at all: powerful, very powerful.


Howling Svanasanas

Howling Svanasanas
Arts Alive! at Hopewell

Art's Alive at Hopewell Elementary School

My daughter (my partner) and I spent Friday, October 24th sharing Yoga with kindergarten and first-graders at Hopewell School in Trinity for an event called Arts Alive! Their fabulous art teacher, Cori Cagle invited 29 people to share their gifts and talents with the little people, encouraging them to let their creative spirit's soar in many ways!
Check out this photo of us all acting like doggies stretching and howling in Urdhva Muka Svanasana (Upward facing dog)! We had a great time and it would only have been better if we could have visited the other artist's in action too!
Thank you for the opportunity to share Yoga, Cori!

Mentoring Senior Projects

Sometimes we use a chair to support us! This is Calline, one of my mentees.

Environmental Awareness

Click on these links to see some of the workshops we have held at Santosha Yoga to help educate our local community about global Green concerns. My friend Gary Cameron, the dentist, told me once years and years ago, to think about something you'd like to see happen in this world, and then do it right here at home. (Now we all have heard of the phrase, "Think Globally, Act Locally") It was good advice then and it still is! What is something you'd like to see happen in the world???
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